Rich Text Editor What is Rich Text Editor? BlueLight Internet Email on the Web now offers a Rich Text Editor for Email. This feature allows you to write, forward and reply to email messages with new fonts, colors and animated icons. With the Rich Text Editor you can now use paragraph formatting, add a numbered list, underline, bold, and italicize selected text. Features The Rich Text Editor gives you a lot of features to help personalize and energize your emails: Font Type, Font Color, Indent Left/Right, Highlighting, Bullet Points, and many more. To use these features, select the text or area you would like to edit or modify and click the appropriate button from the toolbar.  For a single space between lines of text in the editor, press SHIFT + ENTER. Please note that due to this the alignment, indentation and bullets/numbering features may not work as expected. What is Plain Text? Plain text allows you to compose email without any formatting commands like font color, background color etc., If you do not want to take advantage of the Rich Text Editor, you can select >>Switch to Plain Text. If you decide that you would like to use some of the new features, you can select >>Switch to Rich Text and all of the options will appear on screen.
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