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What information do you need to investigate a mail delivery failure / mail delay issue?

If you report a mail deliver failure or mail delay notice, you will need to provide information to
allow us to investigate the matter and take appropriate action. The information needed will vary
depending on the circumstances in which the mail delivery issue occurred.

A. Mail delivery failure:

  1. There are problems sending/receiving messages to/from a particular recipient:

    a) The recipient did not receive the message, and you received a mail delivery failure
    notice. To investigate the reasons for the mail delivery failure please forward the complete
    mail delivery failure notice to abuse@support.BlueLight, along with a detailed description
    of the problem/concern.

    If you' ve been informed by someone that they are getting mail delivery failure notices
    when attempting to send you an email, ask them to forward the information mentioned
    above to us at abuse@support.BlueLight so we can investigate this matter further

    b) The recipient did not receive the message, and you did not receive a mail delivery failure
    notice. To investigate the reasons for the failure, please forward the following details to
    abuse@support.BlueLight along with a detailed description of the problem/concern:

    1. The Sender's and Recipient's email address.
    2. The exact date(s) and time(s) when the message(s) was sent.
    3. The Subject line(s) of the message(s).

    Note: These details can easily be retrieved from your Sent folder.

    We also recommend that you contact the recipient to see if they accidentally put your email
    address in their block or spam list.

    If you are the intended recipient and have been informed by the sender that an email was
    sent, please ask the sender to forward the information mentioned above to us so that we
    can investigate this matter further and resolve it. Also mentioned above, please check
    whether you have accidentally added the sender's email address to your block.

  2. Problems associated with sending or receiving messages to/from a particular domain/newsgroup/mailing list:

    If you are unable to send messages to a particular domain/newsgroup/mailing list, please forward
    the complete mail delivery failure notice to abuse@support.BlueLight, along with a
    detailed description of the problem/concern.

    If you are unable to send messages to a particular domain/newsgroup/mailing list, please forward
    the complete mail delivery failure notice to abuse@support.BlueLight, along with a
    detailed description of the problem/concern

    If you are unable to receive messages from a particular domain/newsgroup/mailing list, please
    contact them and request that the domain/moderator/list owner provide us with the following
    information along with a detailed description of the problem/concern:

    1. A copy of the delivery failure notice (Exact transcript of the error message).
    2. All the IP addresses from which these messages are sent.
    3. The sender's email address.
    4. The exact dates on which these messages were sent.

    This information will help us investigate this matter and take appropriate action.

    Note: If you would also like to know the reasons for this mail failure please ask the
    domain/moderator/list owner to mention this so we can include your email address when replying
    back to the domain/moderator/list with the reasons for the mail failure.

    If you are unable to contact the moderator of the group, please provide us with the bounce history
    of the non-delivery so we can investigate the matter and take appropriate action.

    For example: Yahoo! Groups provides this information at the Yahoo! account associated with the
    Yahoo! Group. In this case the BlueLight Internet member should forward the bounce history to abuse@support.BlueLight,
    along with a detailed description of the problem/concern so we may investigate the matter.

    To check the bounce history associated with the Yahoo! account.

    1. Login to My Groups page.
    2. Click on My Email Preferences.
    3. Click Show history.
    4. Copy all the details of the bounce and forward it to abuse@support.BlueLight

    To check the bounce history from other groups, please contact their tech support for instructions.

B. Mail delay

The information needed to investigate a mail delay issue will vary depending on the following scenarios.

  1. Recipient received the message late:

    In order to investigate the reasons for the delay, the recipient should forward the delayed
    messages with its full headers to abuse@support.BlueLight along with a detailed description
    of the problem.

    Full headers have multiple " Received " lines that show the exact route traveled by a message and
    help us determine the reason for delay in the delivery of a message.

    For information on how to forward the message to us along with full headers, please visit:

    Note: If you would also like to know the reasons for this delay please ask the recipient to mention
    this so we can include your email address when replying back to the recipient with the reasons
    for delay.

  2. The recipient has not received the message, and you continue to get mail delay notices and not a mail
    delivery failure notice:

    In order to investigate the reasons for the delay, please forward the entire mail delay notification
    (including the original message) with its full headers to abuse@support.BlueLight along with a
    detailed description of the problem.

    Full headers have multiple " Received " lines that show the exact route traveled by a message, and
    help us determine the possible reasons for the delay in the delivery of a message.

    For information on how to forward the message to us along with full headers, please visit:

    If you are the intended recipient, and have been informed by the sender of such notifications, ask
    the sender to forward the delayed message to us along with its full headers and a detailed
    description of the problem.

    Note: If you would also like to know the reasons for this delay please ask the sender to mention
    this so we can include your email address when replying back to the sender with the reasons for

  3. You received several delayed mail notifications and finally receive a mail delivery failure notice:
  4. Please forward the entire mail failure notification (including the original message that caused it)
    with its full headers to abuse@support.BlueLight along with a detailed description of the problem.