Email on the Web has a built-in spell-checking feature to help you compose email messages.
If you want to check the spelling in the body of your message, click the Spell Check button after writing your text.
A pop-up window will appear with text highlighted that the computer believes is misspelled.
There are two ways to change a misspelled word:
Manually fix the misspelled word by editing the word in the Change to: text box.
From the list of possible words under Change to: box, find the correct word and select it.
You can select any one of the following options based on the suggestions provided:
Ignore - If a word was not misspelled but the Spell Check thinks it is, just ignore the suggestion.
Ignore All - If a word is not misspelled but the Spell Check thinks it is, just click on Ignore All to ignore all the occurrences of that word.
Replace - If a word was misspelled, click Replace to overwrite the misspelled word with the new one selected from the list of suggestions or type in Change to: box.
Replace All - If a particular word that was misspelled is repeated in the message then click Replace All to overwrite the word with the correct word in the whole message.
Undo - Select this option if you want to revert to the previous misspelled word from the changed word.
Send - After your changes are done you can click on this button to send your mail
Return to Message - After the changes are done you can close the window by clicking on this button.
You will receive a pop-up window with number of words changed using the spell check feature after you are done. Click OK.