Finding information on my modem What model of modem do I have? The following procedure will assist you in determining which model of modem you have: - Click on the Windows Start button located in the lower left-hand corner of your screen.
- Select Settings and click on Control Panel.
 - Double-click on the Modems icon.
 - Select the General tab.
- You should find the name of your modem listed on this tab.
- If it is displayed as non-descriptive (Hayes Compatible or Standard), select the Diagnostics tab at the top.
 - Click once on the Com port under which the modem is listed to select it. For example, COM1.
- Click on the More Info button.
 - A window will appear with the message "Communicating with modem. This may take a few minutes."
- A "More Info" window will appear with various modem information.
- Look in the Command column under AT13 or AT14. The model number of the modem should appear.
Keep in mind that the instructions above may not help in identifying modem models. The market is flooded with modems of all types. However, this procedure should be of assistance in most situations.
How do I Check My Modems Current Code Date? Enter a terminal program, such as: RapidComm, HyperTerminal, ZTerm, etc. Type ati7 and hit Enter on your keyboard. Your modem's code date will appear on the EPROM date line.  For updated drivers, code revisions and general information for your modem, please link to your modem manufacturers website. If you need more information, try