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Common Macintosh Errors / Solutions

The application BlueLight Internet has unexpectedly quit.

This page applies to Mac OS X users only.

The message "The application BlueLight Internet has unexpectedly quit" can appear due to several factors. The following information should help you to identify the cause of the error and resolve this issue.

A. Restart your computer

Most problems of this nature can be fixed by restarting your computer and running BlueLight Internet again. Save your work, close any open programs, then go to the Apple menu and choose Restart.

B. Check your disk space

If you are short on hard-drive space, the BlueLight Internet software may not run properly. You will need to erase unnecessary programs or files to leave yourself at least 15 MB of space before running BlueLight Internet. Be sure to back up important data before erasing it!

C. Close any open programs

There may be a conflict between the BlueLight Internet software and another software program running on your machine. To resolve this issue complete the steps below:

  1. Check and see what programs are running by moving the mouse down to the Docking window at the bottom of the screen.

  1. If one of the program icons has a black arrow underneath it, that program is running in the background.
  2. To quit the program, hold the control key and click the icon.
  3. Select Quit.
  1. Try your BlueLight Internet connection again. If this does not resolve the problem, close BlueLight Internet and restart your computer. Repeat Steps 1 through 4, quitting one program at a time. Each time you quit a program, try your BlueLight Internet connection again. When you stop receiving the error, the last program you quit is likely the one creating the conflict.
  2. Once you've found the conflicting program, close it before you logon to BlueLight Internet. You can contact the manufacturer to see if they have more information about a solution so you can use both BlueLight Internet and this program at the same time.