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Using Mail Assistants (Juno 5.0)

You can use Mail Assistants to perform specific actions on certain email messages you receive or send.

Possible Solutions
Creating a Mail Assistant
Editing a Mail Assistant
Deleting a Mail Assistant
Ordering Mail Assistants
Enabling a Mail Assistant
Disabling a Mail Assistant

Creating a Mail Assistant

A Mail Assistant consists of one or more conditions and actions. When a Mail Assistant is created, a decision needs to be made on the condition(s) that has to be met with regards to a message, for certain action(s) that are specified to be performed.

Here is an example of Mail Assistant conditions and actions:


    On selection of the condition: the subject is.
    Type or select the following: A word or phrase.
    The condition is met when: A message is sent/received with the Subject field containing exactly the same word or phrase.


    On selection of the action: move it to folder.
    Type or select the following: A folder name. If new folder name is selected, the concerned folder is automatically created.
    If a message meets one or more conditions: The message is automatically moved into the folder that is specified.

Mail Assistants can automate the following tasks:

  1. Move all mail received from a friend into a 'Friends' folder.
  2. Play a sound when a message is received from a particular person/contact (e.g. Mother).
  3. Delete messages that are received with a phrase 'Lower Mortgage Rates.'
  4. Delete mail from a particular email address.
  5. File copies of all mail that are sent to a particular person/contact (e.g. Grandmother in the 'Family' folder).

To create a Mail Assistant:

  1. From the Options menu, select Mail Assistants.
  2. Click on the New Assistant button in the window that appears.
  3. In the New Mail Assistant box, a decision has to be made on whether the Mail Assistant applies to mails that are received or sent. Following the text, When I, you have the following options:
    1. Click get to apply your Mail Assistant to mail that you receive from other people.
    2. Click send to apply your Mail Assistant to mail that you send to other people.
  4. Decide how many Mail Assistant conditions need to be met in a message. Following the text, and, you have the following options:
    1. Click all to make sure that all conditions are present in the message before the action is performed.
    2. Click any to make sure that at least one of the conditions is present in the message before the action is performed.
  5. Click on the drop-down box [select a condition type] to select the condition and then type (or choose) the appropriate values in the box that appears below it. To add another condition, click on the Add Another Condition button. To remove a condition, select the condition from the condition list and then click on the Remove Condition button.
  6. Click on the drop-down box under this to select an action and then type (or choose) the appropriate values in the box that appears below it. To add another action, click on the Add Another Action button. To remove an action, select the action from the action list and then click on the Remove Action button.
  7. Select the check box next to Continue applying my other Mail Assistants after this one executes to enable other Mail Assistants to run after the current one is done. Clear this check box if you want this Mail Assistant to be the last Assistant that is applied to your messages.
  8. In the Mail Assistant's Name: box, type a descriptive name for the Mail Assistant. For example, 'Junk Mail Remover.'
  9. Click OK.

Editing a Mail Assistant

Over a period of time, there may arise a need to get some of the Mail Assistant rules modified/updated. The Mail Assistant rules could be updated by editing it.

To edit a Mail Assistant:

  1. Go to the Options menu and select Mail Assistants.
  2. In either the Assistants for Received Mail list or the Assistants for Sent Mail list, select the Mail Assistant you want to edit.
  3. Click on the Edit Assistant button.
  4. In the Edit Mail Assistant box, make the appropriate changes.
  5. Click OK.

Deleting a Mail Assistant

When a Mail Assistant is no longer in use, it can be deleted.

Tip: If there is a need to temporarily stop using a Mail Assistant, one could disable the Mail Assistant instead of deleting it.

To delete a Mail Assistant:

  1. From the Options menu, select Mail Assistants.
  2. In either the 'Assistants for Received Mail' list or the 'Assistants for Sent Mail' list, select the Mail Assistant you want to delete.
  3. Click on the Delete Assistant button.
  4. Click Close.

Ordering your Mail Assistants

If you create multiple Mail Assistants, you can specify the order in which they are applied to your messages.

The order could be selected based on their importance. For example, if one places a Mail Assistant rule to delete certain messages at the beginning then no subsequent Mail Assistant rule can act on those messages. If some/all of the other Mail Assistant rule needs to be placed on those messages, then the Mail Assistant rule that deletes certain messages should be placed at the end of the list.

To change the order of your Mail Assistants:

  1. From the Options menu, select Mail Assistants.
  2. In either the Assistants for Received Mail list or the Assistants for Sent Mail list, select the Mail Assistant you want to move. Click the up arrow to move the Mail Assistant up one position. Click the down arrow to move the Mail Assistant down one position.
  3. When you are satisfied with the order of your Mail Assistants, click Close.

Enabling a Mail Assistant

You can create Mail Assistants and then decide when to enable them. Enabling a Mail Assistant turns the Mail Assistant on.

To enable a Mail Assistant:

  1. From the Options menu, select Mail Assistants.
  2. In either the Assistants for Received Mail list or the Assistants for Sent Mail list:

    To turn a Mail Assistant on, select the check box next to the Mail Assistant that needs to be enabled. A check mark in the box indicates that the Mail Assistant is enabled.

  3. Click Close.

Disabling a Mail Assistant

When you want to temporarily stop using a Mail Assistant, you can disable it instead of deleting it. This way, you can always turn the Mail Assistant back on when you want to use it again.

To disable a Mail Assistant:

  1. From the Options menu, select Mail Assistants.
  2. In either the Assistants for Received Mail list or the Assistants for Sent Mail list:

    To turn a Mail Assistant off, clear the check box next to the Mail Assistant that needs to be disabled. A check mark in the box indicates that the Mail Assistant is disabled.

  3. Click Close.