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Using the Address Book (Juno 5.0)

You can use the Juno Address Book to save the email addresses for the people you send email to. With your Address Book you can easily keep all of your email addresses in one place.

To open your Address Book, go to the Read or Write tab and click Address Book or press Alt+A in the Read or Write screen.

Using the Address Book
Address List
Alphabetize List
Add Address
Remove Address
New Name
Mailing Lists
Edit Address
Delete Address
Find Address
Print Address
Backing Up Address Book

Address List

The address list displays all the entries and mailing lists you created in your Address Book. To address a message, you can select entries from the address list. The Name, Email, Nickname and Phone column headings display the information you provided when creating each entry or mailing list. You can sort your Address Book entries by these columns to easily locate an entry or a mailing list. To sort a list according to a column, simply click on the title of that column.

Tip: If the text in any column is too long to display properly, place your cursor over the text until a small yellow pop-up box appears displaying the entire contents of the column.

Alphabetize List

You can sort your Address Book entries by the different columns in your Address Book. Sorting orders the entries alphabetically in either ascending order (A > Z or lowest number) or in descending order (Z > A or highest number).

To alphabetize your Address Book:

  • Open your Address Book and click the column heading that you want to alphabetize your Address Book by (for example, Name).The first time you click a column heading, the entries are sorted in ascending order (A > Z or lowest number). The second time you click the same column heading, the entries are sorted in descending order (Z > A or highest number).

  • Subsequent clicks reverse the order of the entries. Please note that individual name entries are always listed before mailing lists.

If you have an early version of Juno 3.0 (for example, 3.09 or 3.11), your Address Book will not alphabetize properly. To determine which version of Juno is installed on your computer:

  1. Open Juno
  2. Go to the Help menu and click About Juno.
  3. The version of Juno currently installed on your computer will be displayed at the top of the About Juno window that appears.

If you would like to upgrade your Juno software, you can download the latest version for free by going to

To get a copy of the Juno CD-ROM in the mail, call us toll-free at 1-800-654-5866, 5 days a week from 9 A.M. to 9 P.M ET. Please note, there is a one-time $10.00 processing fee for the CD-ROM that includes shipping and handling.

Add Address

There are three ways you can address a message. You can:

  • Type the person's email address directly in the Send to or Cc box in the Write screen. Just make sure that you use the correct format. Email addresses must follow the <user name>@<domain name>format. For example, ""

  • Type the person's alias/nickname or the mailing list name directly in the Send to or Cc box in the Write screen. An alias/nickname is a short, meaningful name you assign to an email address in your Address Book, which you can type when you want to send this person a message. For example, instead of having to remember and type your mother's email address, you can type the alias/name you assigned, which could be Mom.

    Please note that in Juno 5.0, aliases are now called nicknames.

  • Double-click entries directly from your Address Book. Double-clicking an entry in your Address Book adds the person's alias or the mailing list name to the Send to box in your Address Book. When you've finished addressing your message, click OK. The Write screen appears with a new already addressed message.

Remove Address

To remove an address from the Send to or Cc box of the Address Book, select the entry and click Remove.

New Name

You can add a new entry to your Address Book manually.

Click here for instructions on how to add an email address to your Address Book yourself in Juno 5.0

Click here for instructions on how to add an email address to your Address Book yourself in Juno 2.0, 3.0 or 4.0

You can also set up Juno to record the addresses of everyone who sends you a message, or the address of the sender of a particular message.

Click here for instructions on how to have Juno automatically save the email addresses of everyone who sends you a message in Juno 2.0

Click here for instructions on how to save the email address of the sender of a particular message in Juno 3.0, 4.0, 5.0

Click here for instructions on how to save the email address of the sender of a particular message in Juno 2.0

Mailing Lists

Juno makes it easy for you to create, maintain, and use personal mailing lists. By using mailing lists, you can send messages to several people at once without having to type each address separately (or select each address separately from your Address Book).

Such mailing lists are, however, for your personal use only, not for sending bulk email, commercial email or mass solicitations to people you don't know. Sending unsolicited messages to Internet users is not only rude, but also violates the terms of Juno's policies (which you agreed to abide by as a condition of setting up your Juno account). Violating the policy is grounds for termination of your Juno account. Take appropriate precautions to ensure that you do not send messages to people you don't know or people whom you believe wouldn't want to hear from you.

To create a mailing list, click New List in your Address Book and then type the following information in the New Mailing List dialog box:

Name of new listType a meaningful name for your mailing list. This name is what you type in the Send to or Cc box when you want to send this mailing list a message. For example, if your mailing list is for all your friends at school, you could type School friends.
NameLists all Names for all the entries in your Address Book.
NicknameLists all Nicknames for all the entries in your Address Book.
AddAdds the selected entry to the Members of new list.
RemoveRemoves the selected entry from the Members of new list.
New NameOpens the New Name window so you can create a new Address Book entry. For more information, see New Name.
Members of new listLists the members of your mailing list.
OKCloses the window, saving any changes you have made.
CancelCloses the window without saving any changes you have made.

Edit Address

You can edit an Address Book entry after you create it. You may have to edit an entry if a person's email address or contact information changes. You can also edit an entry when you need to assign a nickname to an email address that Juno added to your Address Book automatically.

To edit a name in your Address Book:

  1. Select the name you want to edit and click Edit Name or right-click the name list and click Edit Name on the shortcut menu.

Edit Mailing List

You can edit a mailing list after you create it when you need to add or remove email addresses from it or if you want to give your mailing list a new name.

Note: If you delete an entry from your Address Book, it is also removed from any mailing list you added it to.

To edit a mailing list in your Address Book:

  1. Select the mailing list you want to edit and click Edit or right-click the mailing list and click Edit List on the shortcut menu.

Delete Address

When you no longer need an email address or a mailing list you can delete the Address Book entry or mailing list using the Delete button. When you delete an entry, it is permanently deleted and cannot be restored; you would have to create it again. When you delete a mailing list, you are only deleting the group of email addresses you created, not the individual email addresses.

Note: If you delete an entry from your Address Book, it is also removed from any mailing list you added it to.

To delete an Address Book entry or a mailing list:

  1. Select the entry or mailing list you want to delete and click Delete or press the Delete key.
  2. You can also right-click the entry or mailing list and click Delete Name or Delete List on the shortcut menu that appears.

Find Address

You can use the Find button to search for an entry in your Address book. If you have many entries in your Address Book, you may find it useful to search for a particular name or mailing list instead of scrolling through the Address Book to find it.

Note: The search is not case-sensitive.

To search for an Address Book entry, click Find in the Address Book. In the Find Entry box, you have the following options:

Find whatType any part of the name, nickname, or email address that you want to find.
FindSearches your Address Book for the first occurrence of text you typed in the Find what box. If the text is found, it is highlighted in your Address Book. To find more than one occurrence of the word or phrase in the same message, click Find again.
CancelCloses the screen when you are finished searching.

Print Address

If you want a hard copy of your Address Book, you can print it. When you print your Address Book, the Name, Email Address, Nickname, and Phone information for each entry is printed in the order that you see on your screen.

To print your address book:

  1. On the Read or Write screen, click Address Book and click Print.
  2. In the Print box, you can select the printer you want to print to and how many copies you want to print.
  3. To change the paper size, page orientation, duplex printing option, and color output, click Properties.

Backing Up Address Book

We strongly recommend that you back up, or save, your Address book from time to time.