Using a Signature - Microsoft Outlook 98 / 2000 A Signature is a body of text that is automatically appended to each email message that you create. Typically this will consist of your name and title, although many people include a tag line. To create a signature: - From the Tools menu, select Options.
- Select the Mail Format tab.
- Click on the Signature Picker button.
- Click on the New button.
- Name your new signature.
- Check the circle next to Start with a blank signature.
- Click on the Next button.
- Type your signature in the text field.
- Select the font, size of type (point size) and paragraph format by clicking on their respective buttons.
- Click on the Finish button.
- Click OK.
- Check the box next to Don't use when replying or forwarding if you only want the signature to apply to new messages.
- Click OK to exit.
Note: A BlueLight Internet signature is added at the end of every email sent through BlueLight Internet.