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My Juno software was automatically upgraded, but the upgrade failed or I am experiencing a problem with this new version (Juno 5.0)

Depending on the problem you are experiencing, you may have to reinstall Juno or find and delete certain files on your computer.

Below are some descriptions of the problems you may be experiencing and their solutions.

If you are experiencing one of the following problems, you will have to reinstall Juno:

  • You receive an error message stating that Juno could not find a particular file.
  • You receive a "General Protection Fault" (GPF) or "Application Error."
  • Your computer stops responding.

If every time you start Juno, a window appears that asks if you want to upgrade, you will have to find and delete the patch.rtp file and restart Juno.

If every time you start Juno you are forced to fill out the dialing option screens, you may have downloaded a damaged access number file. You can easily fix this problem by finding the damaged file on your computer, deleting it, and updating your access number list to get a new, undamaged access number file. If you cannot find an access number file at all, you will have to reinstall Juno.

If your computer freezes when Juno checks to see if you have a Web connection in place, please be patient. This portion of the Juno setup can take up to 15 minutes to complete.

How do I?

Find the patch.rtp file
Find and delete the damaged access number file

To find and delete the patch.rtp file:

  1. Click the Windows Start button, point to Find, and click Files or Folders.
  2. In the Find: All Files window, type patch.rtp in the Named box.
  3. Click the Look in arrow to select the drive where you installed Juno. For example "C:\."
  4. Click Find Now. The patch.rtp file should appear in pane below the window.
  5. Right-click the patch.rtp file and click Delete on the shortcut window.

To find and delete the damaged access number file on your computer:

  1. Close Juno.
  2. Locate your USERxxxx folder:
    • Click the Windows Start button, point to Programs, point to Juno, and click Juno System Information.

    • A text file will appear that contains information about your computer's resources and files that Juno needs to function. Scroll to the section labeled [Juno Users]. This section contains the name and location of the USERxxxx folders for each Juno account on your computer and will look like this:

      [Juno Users]
      username1=C:\Program Files\Juno\USER0000
      username2=C:\Program Files\Juno\USER0001
      username3=C:\Program Files\Juno\USER0002

    • In this section, find the line of text that contains the user name for the account whose Address Book you want to back up. For example, the line could look like this: yourusername=C:\Program Files\Juno\USER0002. In this example, your USERxxxx folder name is USER0002 and it is located in the Juno subfolder of the Program Files folder on your computer.

    • Write the location of your USERxxxx folder (which is the text after the equal sign) on a piece of paper. So, for the above example, you would write C:\Program Files\Juno\USER0002.

  3. Use My Computer or Windows Explorer to locate your USERxxxx folder on your computer. If you need to, refer to the location you previously wrote down.
  4. Open your USERxxxx folder. In your USERxxxx folder is a folder called get.
  5. Open the get folder. In the get folder there should be a file that ends with the extension, .ddx. If you see this file, delete it.

Now, update your access number list to download a new and undamaged access number list.