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Why does Juno carry advertisements? (Juno 5.0)

Advertising is a necessary component of Juno. As magazines and broadcast television use commercials to cover the cost of providing you with articles and TV programs, our sponsors help cover some of the costs of providing our services to you.

Our goal is to make the advertising you see different from the advertising you typically see in other media. We try to make the ads both more useful to you and more valuable to our sponsors by addressing your particular wants and needs as you describe them in the Member Profile. In addition to being geared towards your personal tastes, the advertising on Juno is designed to be visually appealing and interactive.

The types of ads you see include:

  • Banner ads, which are displayed in the sponsor's panel and in the Juno Guide.

  • Showcase ads, which appear in a separate window when you connect to send and receive your mail.

  • Pop-up ads.

  • Email advertisements, which you may occasionally receive from Juno or our sponsors about select products and services. As with any email message you receive, you can read such messages, reply to them, ignore them, or delete them. Some of these messages may contain special offers for Juno members, but you are under no obligation to respond. We will not send you more than one or two such messages at a time.

Juno does not support unsolicited commercial mass mailings, illegal multi-level marketing schemes, or other harassing messages. Do not mistake messages such as these for legitimate advertisements from Juno sponsors.